“We complement weight loss, monitor our appetites, and shrink ourselves to fit some kind of standard. I wish we could all be the size we actually are. One size doesn't fit all because there are as many sizes as there are women. Let's look closer at the size of our hearts, the width of our souls, and the length of our spirits.” ― Sark

With societal oppression and pressures on body, size/weight, ability, and appearance, you may struggle with how you view and treat your body.  We can work to unravel the pieces of your struggle and begin to find ways to advocate and accept the body you are in.

Through body autonomy work we can specifically work together to address concerns such as:

  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Challenge cultural ideals and oppression to be able to accept and celebrate the body YOU live in

  • Over-exercise or exercise addiction: Develop a healthy balance by using exercise to boost your mental health without damaging your body or your relationships

  • Intuitive eating: Apply mindfulness and ways to approach food that combat anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia or chronic dieting